handout is available at: http://lope.linguistics.ntu.edu.tw/ioltw/2019-training/writing/
‘spoken language’ vs ‘written language’ (note: writing is a fairly recent invention) 語言「也許」始於 300 -400 萬年前的直立人;文字則「相對確定」約在 1 萬年前萌芽於新石器時代的刻符與岩畫。
writing is a type of SYMBOLIC communication and not a type of ICONIC communication. (i.e., form-meaning pair conventionalized vs. resembling the thing they are meant to represent)
representing concepts or ideas, rather than a specific word.1 no one-to-one correspondence btw symbol and language, they are interpreted rather than readPictograms and ideograms are not complete writing systems for any (sound-based) language.
Phonogram is a symbol based on sound rather than meaning. Phonographic systems include: alphabets and syllabary.
Y cn stll rd wtht vwls
Examples of abjads are the Arabic alphabet, written in lines that run from right to left.
- Each unit is based on a consonant letter, and vowel notation is secondary.The consonants each have an inherent vowel which can be changed to another vowel or muted by means of diacritics or other modifications. Vowels can also be written with separate letters when they occur at the beginning of a word or on their own. this contrast with alphabet, in which vowels have status equal to consonants, and with an abjad, in which vowel marking is absent or optional. - Examples of abugidas are writing systems of India and Southeast Asia like Devanagari used for Hindi and Sanskrit. Check this website ! https://www.omniglot.com/writing/syllabic.htm
Case.1: Gujarātī
Note: In Gujarātī, vowels can be written as independent letters, or by using a variety of diacritical marks which are written above, below, before or after the consonant they belong to.
Case.2: Ilocano (see Manual)
Case.3: Canadian Aboriginal ‘Syllabics’
A syllabary is a set of written symbols that represent the syllables or (more frequently) moras which make up words.
A symbol in a syllabary (called a syllabogram) typically represents an (optional) consonant sound (simple onset) followed by a vowel sound (nucleus), though other syllable types such as CVC and CV-tone are also found in syllabaries. E.g., Yugtun syllabary (a.k.a. Alaska script), Yupik, Cree syllabary, Japanese, Cherokee syllabary
; Linear A, Cuneiform
Difference from abugida
In a true syllabary there may be graphic similarity between characters that share a common consonant or vowel sound, but it is not systematic or at all regular. For example, the characters for ‘ke’, ‘ka’, and ‘ko’ in Japanese hiragana have no similarity to indicate their common “k” sound (these being: け, か and こ). Compare this with Devanagari, an abugida, where the characters for ‘ke’, ‘ka’ and ‘ko’ are के, का and को respectively, with क indicating their common “k” sound.
glyphs represent word
or morphemes
rather than phonetic elements.
they are complex scripts in nature.
logographies (Chinese characters)Typological classification of writing systems
Symbols represent:
European and Near Eastern
scripts)Japanese hiragana
and katakana
; Cherokee
scripts)3 1 and 2 may be combined, as in the semi-syllabic scripts used for mainly Asian languages and Amharic.Chinese logograms
)Deciphering ancient scripts
script\language | known | unknown |
known | OK: Swahili written in the Latin alphabet | ?: North Picene |
unknown | ?: (most works in the past) | X |
文字中的數字與曆法 - Deciphered in the ealy 1950s.About 550 logograms are known, in addition to 150 syllabic symbols
language EAN-13 【IOL.2011】Soundex
Flag semaphore
, Morse code
, Braille
, American Finger-spelling
, etcthe repertoire of phonetic symbols and diacritics used in the transcription of spoken language.
IPA (focuses explusively on the articulatory dimension of speech)
Iconic notation: the use of symbol-shapes which convey explicit information about particular articulatory features of the sounds, e.g., Bell’s Visual Speech
(cf., Korean Hangul)
a missing type of IOL problem (yet important for multimodal communication). E.g., Labanotation example [AP] Labanotation or Kinetography Laban is a notation system for recording and analyzing human movement that was derived from the work of Rudolf Laban who described it in Schrifttanz (“Written Dance”) in 1928.
His initial work has been further developed by others, and is used as a type of dance notation in other applications including Laban Movement Analysis, robotics and human movement simulation.
Glyph counting: Hawaiian alphabet (13), English alphabet (26), Russian alphabet (33), Japanese hiragana (46), Cherokee syllables (85), Hittite (c.a. 500 symbols), Maya hieroglyphics (800), Chinese character (c.a. 56,000).5 56,000 different characters in the most comprehensive Mandarin dictionary, while a mere 500 symbols cover about 80% of an average text.
Seneca (spoken in New York state and adjoining parts of Canada) and Tahitian are both written in Roman script, but only make use of 13 letters.
So the trick
If you see something written in a strange, ancient script, you can tell whether it is an alphabet, a syllabary, or an ideographic script by counting the signs. If there are only about 25, then the script has an alphabet, like English. If there are around 100, it may be a syllabary, like Linear B. If you lose count entirely, it must be an ideographic script, like Chinese.